Crystal Stores Near Me

I enjoy this, so you do kind of as you're evolving with crystals. you build up this confidence, and then eventually you really do some more experimentation. so you might be wearing crystals, doing crystal jewelry, buying stones from crystal shops near me, you might start meditating more with crystals. you can start using crystals for manifestation techniques. it's just like this thing that slowly builds up. i really feel like the more you practice with crystals, the more receptive you become to that crystal energy. over the years working with crystals, it's just been progressively getting a stronger connection and honestly that just takes practice and patience, and really just believing that you are gaining a connection. i hope this gave you guys some insight on how to connect and use your crystals, if you are really interested in learning about crystals and connecting with them, i will say that is really what my course is all about.